How to attach plane surface to BREP or Grid?

Hi! I would like to attach a plane surface to my grid or Brep. I want to create a ceiling for my L shaped building that has a parametric offset in z direction and it should stick out in x and y direction. I know how to make the ceiling stick out for a building with rectangular shape (its below in the grasshopper script) BUT I don’t know how I can attach it to the L shaped grid or to my Brep that is based on the grid. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance.
L shape building with ceiling and (23.2 KB)

Something like this?

L shape building with ceiling and (21.6 KB)

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I wanted to have the ceiling in the same shape as the grid, so it is L shaped as well :thinking:

Haha of course, makes a lot more sense
Here’s one way to make it

L shape building with ceiling and (20.2 KB)

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sorry, I think the question was a little poor described. Thank you very much! That really helps!