How to create closed polyline in Rhino 8

My polylines are in separate line segments and do not close or joi?

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might be out of tolerance.

Increase file tolerance and try join again.

Can you post a sample? Could be one of several things.

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Thanks Helvetosaur

Polygon Test Rhino 8 Mac.3dm (2.38 MB)

All I see in that file is one closed polyline… ??

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Is the polyline in one piece or separate line segments?

Oh hang on! I have same - closed polygon the lines connected. Could it be because I had rebooted?

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Maybe - I don’t know… All I see is the one closed polygon which looks correct to me.

I changed the post category to Rhino for Mac.

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just stumbled upon this issue, I’m quite positive this happened because of subobject selection being active.

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You may be right but right now everything is fine - I can edit text in Layer heading and sub headings (after a restart) and I haven’t made any adjustments to my selection filter. Never used it before. Sub-objects was unchecked.

Since that file was created in 8.3 and many issues with the Osnap and Filter have been solved in the meantime, I expect this will not happen anymore, but pls let us know if it does.

Still have the same problem editing layer names- doesn’t seem to be related to Selection Filters.
2 new issues.

  1. Gumball dissapears from time to time. I can clidk on one item in the model and no gumball. Click on another and it is there. Nothing is locked.
  2. Whole screen goes bright red and Rhino is frozen but Rhino does not show up as not responding in Force Quit menu. Have to restart anyway.

Actually the Gumball issue might be a non issue. I found it some distance away from the model and brought it back with reset.

We have a couple if reports about that, but so far could not reproduce it. If you have any clue when this happens, pls let us know.

Can you run _SystemInfo in Rhino and post back the result?

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