How show Command prompt?


Sometimes the console is hidden when starting Rhino.

This behavior already existed in Rhino7. This didn’t happen often, so I just go to “Options > Appearance > Command Prompt”.

But in Rhino 8, this option is no longer available.
My console just disappeared and I don’t know how to get it back.

thank you, jmv


You could run the CommandPrompt command and toggle that to Show=Yes. Since you are not seeing that prompt, the following macro could help:

CommandPrompt Show Yes EnterEnd

Other than that, restoring the default window layout (WindowLayout) should also bring that back.

Thank you @wim !

Yes, restoring the default window layout works!

for Command Prompt Show Yes EnterEd, how can I write this command if I don’t have a command prompt… :slight_smile:


That said, putting the option back in Rhino will help us not get too lost in the new version…

The command line is hidden again.
The first time, I didn’t save my screen layout.
This time I saved it so as not to lose my toolbars.
Unfortunately, when I change the layout and return to my layout, the command line remains hidden.

So I have the choice between,
be able to redisplay the command line,
or lose my toolbar layout.

You can still type commands when the command prompt is hidden. It’s just hard to make sure that you are not writing typos and can’t see any options.
I gave you that macro so that you didn’t have to type it. Simply copy it here and paste it into Rhino.

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Ok, fine, I didn’t know that was possible.

If you’ve lost the command prompt by floating it and dragging it off-screen then you can bring it back into view by minimising Rhino and maximising it again.



Hello, I have the command prompt hidden so it only pops up when I type a command, however it won’t let me move it.
If I restart Rhino then I can move it once and then it stays static again.
I also would like to know if can have only the command line without all the icons under it.
I feel like this command prompt takes too much room in the screen.

Like this?

Click on the left side of the bar with the icons. Drag it so that it floats. Click on the “X” in the upper right corner to close it.

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I’m sorry I didn’t realize this was for Rhino windows,
my issues are in a mac.

Thank you, though.