I must be missing something but I don’t see how to edit the handles after drawing a handlecurve?
Thanks for your help
I must be missing something but I don’t see how to edit the handles after drawing a handlecurve?
Thanks for your help
Hi there,
use the command pointson and pointsoff
The handles you see during HandleCurve are not really part of the curve - they are only a help to create it when one is used to the Illustrator-style of curve creation - which is the purpose of using HandleCurve instead of just Curve.
To edit any curve (or surface) with handles after the fact, call the command HBar, which will allow you to use “handles” for editing instead of the classic method of manipulating the control points directly.
HTH, --Mitch
Thanks Mitch,
This thing is driving me crazy. Why does pulling a handle drag the point??
if you want to move the middle point (the point which is on the curve), just click on the curve where you want it… don’t try to drag it along the curve.
if that’s not what you’re talking about then i don’t know… pulling a handle drags which point?
Handle curve, also driving me nuts.
Rhino22 says…This thing is driving me crazy. Why does pulling a handle drag the point??
The command HBar says select the curve, what he did, as I did, was to select the curve !
this then creates a new handle which when you move it sees the original point get thrown outward with a kink through it.
Handle curve creates a curve with see saw (see-saw a UK term for a childs playground item, beam pivoted in middle with seat either end) …handles that rotate around each mouse click.
HBar displays the handles that were used to create the curve…IF ONE PICKS THE LINE WHERE THE ORIGINAL MOUSE CLICKS WERE MADE, but how does one know where those clicks were made ?
Picking elsewhere on the line creates handles that were not there in the original creation of the curve and are not what the user is most probably looking for. I am sure Rhino22 wasnt wishing for handles he didnt create, I am neither.
If the user wishes to alter his original handles in the same see-saw manner (as he first made it, wishing to just alter maybe one part of the curve ), if he is successful in finding the original centres of his handles, clicking the line there will not give him a see-saw handle, but only allow for one half of it to move. so loosing the smooth geometrical flow of the curve through the point.
How can one get at the original user created see-saw handle to adjust it in a see-saw way ?
As rhino allowed us to use such a device to create a curve it must be happy to allow us access to it again ?
I need to be able to come back to a curve and adjust curves between the points I laid down with mouse clicks so need access to the handles with their see-saw ability else they give me broken tangents through those points.
Bumping this as its gone off the radar…I and no doubt Rhino22 still wonder as to the way to do this, to get at the original user created handles to adjust curve in a see-saw way.
InsertKink makes kinks,
handles disallow kimks.
the curve I need to draw needs handles I placed and that I can revisit. I dont want other ones presented to me.
anyone ???
we still dont know
Steve and Rhino22
You might find the Level II coursework helpful
I have downloaded that and looked into the pdf.
It has a section on curve creation and continuity, however I dont see anything about use of the handle curve tool in drawing curves and getting at the original handles afterwards. In fact it doesnt seem to show the different curve tools and the advantages of each one and situations for their use, what they create and accessing how they made a curve afterwards.
I have also downloaded from your other link in another post the Level 1 manual, it shows some curve tools but not the handle bar one.
As such unless I missed it, and the index doesnt relate page wise to the page thumbnails and entry of page number at top of pdf, there is nothing in both manuals on the handle curve tool and getting at the handles the user creates !
Is it in fact actually possible to get at the original handles. ?
I am in desperate need of such right now and can’t get at them.
No one has said that it is yet, and I wonder now if it is, as after 4 months it looks that way, as required by myself and rhino22.
This has been adequately answered by Mitch in this thead on April 16th.
The handle bar points are cooked up on the fly, they are not part of the definition of the curve. Unless you have marked the original locations with point objects, you will not find these. Also, even if you have marked those locations with point objects, editing the curve with Hbar at one of those locations (e.g. by snapping to the point) will not ensure that the rest of the curve still goes through the other original curves.
The command entered Rhino in the early days as a request from users coming from 2D illustration programs. I guess that anyone that gets used to drawing in Rhino turns away from this approach rather quickly…
Hi wim.
Seems odd to me that if the handles are permissible to place see-saw correct flowing continuity curves through the points one clicks on, rhino disallows thereafter access to them, as they would still alter the curve at that point in a manner aproved of by Rhino. You say though, they would make the curve elsewhere not go through the points it originally went through.
Unless you have marked the original locations with point objects, you will not find these.
To test this, I have placed points using points tool, handlecurved my way through them, run hbar command and clicked on one of those points and I get handles, alter the handle and the curve does not deviate from the other points.
However hbar breaks the see-saw handle… why ?
how does one retain the see saw continuity of curve handle with hbar ? That would be problem solved
Is there a key to hold down so that dragging one handle sees its twin the other side of the point move in a see saw fashion at the same time ? This would still allow flowing curves.
Furthermore hbar clicked on another part of the curve between the original handle curve clicks does see a see-saw handle created, a new one, but moving it sees the flowing curve through the nearest original clicks (on my points) now have their handlebar flowing curves broken with hard kinks created there. Shock horror
hbar as such wrecks a curve.
I guess that anyone that gets used to drawing in Rhino turns away from this approach rather quickly…
I am still longing for the handle bar way as in Freehand, simply because its so fast, and allows curve move to another point, retains flow through remaining points, allows revisiting and editing, doesnt create kinks. seconds to create an alteration to a curve. By comparison its a number of steps just to alter curve for one point. To alter for a few points is very laborious.
To have the Curve graph altering as one adjusts handles also very useful.
How do other ex Illustrator and Freehand users find Rhino…?
I do understand that it has to be this way for the curves to be admissible, Freehand tools not so. However I dont understand that rhinos own tools are not admissible if still creating a curvature flowing curve through a point, when handles are pulled out a bit, if they were to see-saw …and that hbar making a kink when there wasnt one is admissible !
Well… Now I actually checked with a Handlebar curve. This command creates polycurves consisting of degree 3 spans with 4 control points. If you turn on the points on this polycurve, your original input points will be exactly on the curve (i.e. at the starts and ends of the individual segments). To modify this the HBar way, with points turned on, select the 2 points on either side of an end of a segment and use Scale1D in combination with rotate to edit the curve.