How do we fit surfaces to smooth nurbs

hi rhino community:
new to rhino and been bothered by this

i don’t know why the trimmed suface(no matter i use a curve to cut/pushpull)does not fit the outline where it supose to be. is it because of the angle tolorence or the unit?i already set the angle tolorence to 1degree and also tried to exploed the whole polysuface and use refittrim command, it worked a bit but when i rejoin the sufaces into a polysuface it turned out also bad.
is there anyone knows how to fix this? all i want for chrismas is a smooth fit polysuface model.

Have you tried setting a “Custom Mesh” by clicking on your polysurface and going to its properties tab?

You can change the parameters to improve your mesh property or try the dropdown to choose a preset (smooth and slower?).

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To expand on @David53 reply: When Rhino displays a shaded or rendered NURBS surface it actually displays a mesh created from the NURBS surface. This mesh is called the “render mesh” of the surface.The kinks and gaps you are seeing between the displayed surface (actually the displayed render mesh) and the input curves is because the render mesh is too coarse for the view magnification you are using. The actual NURBS surface is smooth.

The render mesh is controlled by settings in Options > Mesh. Try changing to “Smooth and Slower”.

If that is not smooth enough then go to “Detailed Controls” and refine the settings there.

For more about render mesh settings:

Let us know if you still have questions.

Have you also used the analysis tool to check for naked edges? It will show if your edges are truly joined.— Mark

Thank you guys, i tried both ways and this is the result

it’s much better but still have a bit gap haha, these are my settings

thank you so much>3

Set “Maximum edge to surface diatance” to 0,1 cm or 0,01 cm.
Set “Minimum edge length” to 0,1 cm or 0,01 cm.