Hi, I´m doing a simple cylinder and then some filleting. How can I do to achieve more smoooth surfaces?
curved surfaces seem segmented and a sumatory of small segments. I tried strating from a circle, then rebuild an extrude, but is not better. I need smooothness for macro detailed photos with keyshot.
Unfortunately Pascal put the links in reverse order. If you look at the second one, you can see that NURBS surfaces can’t be displayed directly, the software creates a “display mesh” so that the surfaces can be seen in the viewport. These change automatically as the surfaces are changed.
In your case Rhino is using a coarse mesh, which though more efficient, tends to show its facets at the edge of a curved object.
So read the second link to understand the problem and then the first link to see the ways that the display mesh can be tuned up.
Just to understand…
Rhino use nurbs, supposedly because the are precise and smooth, but what i can see is a coarse mesh (don´t know well if this is a “normal” mesh or not) so… to render (and what is more important…to FAB… have to treat the supposedly nurbs as meshes??
Don’t be, As you say, Rhino uses Nurbs unless you say anything else. And it follows, you use these Nurbs surfaces for fabrication as well (if that’s you intention).
It is only for display purposes Rihno converts the Nurbs to mesh. But, if you would want that, you can also save your Nurbs surface as a mesh, if that’s what you want (although you would normally use a mesh tool if that was the intent from the beginning).
So again, Rhino surfaces are Nurbs surface, but what you see on screen in a mesh representation of that surface. In order to get a smother mesh on screen you adjust the mesh settings.
I think your word “converts” will still be confusing.
Rhino creates a mesh based on the nurbs and mesh setting to “display” a visual representation of the nurbs.the nurbs are still there and do not change unless you change them
So the important thing is: mesh is only there for visual purposes, and when unrollsrf, flatten and so, esentially when i work with plans, the surface will be as always be, nurbs, and will be absolutely precise, isn´t it?