How do I upload a file from my Dropbox to the app?

How do I upload a file from my Dropbox to the app?

If I remember correctly, you can directly import 3D models from DB to iRhino. Click the add button and navigate to the DB folder (Apple products).

@ひ_The_don You can open a model from your Dropbox by tapping the “+” button on the main menu and choosing DropBox. If it’s your first time using Dropbox with iRhino3D it’ll ask you to log in, then you can navigate to a model and open it in the app.
Same goes for Google Drive.

P.S. we’re working on a completely new version of iRhino3D and it should be released in the near future. Stay tuned on Discourse

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I do not see the + sign… any ideas?

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@RhinoFabStudio you should try the new iRhino3D beta


This simply doesn´t work. App immediately crashes when adding a file from Dropbox, iCloud, web, on iPad and / or OneDrive :man_shrugging:t3:

To back to something that workshop :wink::rofl::see_no_evil:

Hi, are you using the latest version of iRhino3D?