I have a curved surface that I need to create a support frame for using an angle. I extracted curved lines that follows the perimeter of the curved shape and need to extrude this angle shape along this curve. I have tried extruding the curves of the angle shape along the curve, but it doesn’t extrude nicely and in a perfect box shape as I have drawn. How would I go about doing something like this?
Try _Flow along curve
Which version of Rhino are you using?
I think the major part could be done using _Inset
and _PushPull
to get you there, if you are using Rhino 8.
Am I doing something wrong? When I use this command, it copies the angle surface I want to extrude somewhere else on the curve, does not extrude it. I tried extrude srf along crv, but that doesn’t give it a nice perpendicular profile I am looking for.
I am using rhino 7.
Sorry, i was not clear. I meant that in this case this function is better to use than extruding.
Create everything flat and then use flow along curve to bend everything.
Try this…
OffsetCrvOnSrf the width of the extrusion, then Sweep2. This should keep your extrusion reasonably flush with the surface.