Reset CPlane to defaults command?

Is there a command/button to reset the cplane to its viewport defaults?

I have an alias Previous CPlane and can switch back but sometimes it doesn’t work. Such a command would be very handy. Thank you.

_CPlane _Undo (don’t know why it’s called Undo actually, Previous made more sense to me)

Hmm, should normally work - Do you have a repeatable example? Remember, it is relative to the viewport where the change was made, it needs to have the same viewport active when you run it.

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Ok will introspect. Thanks for your advice!

Hi Hannes , Four viewport hit 2 times resets the default cplanes. Correct? Mark

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You can make keyboard macro: CPlane > World > Top. For example: Ctrl+Alt+Home = '_CPlane _World _Top


I think @markintheozarks has the best solution.
Run the 4View command, then ZEA.

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I like the Idea of Andrew as it won’t reset the view just the Cplane put it on HOME. Works perfectly. What is John what is ZEA?

ZEA” is a default alias for Zoom Extents All"
Type it and see.

Thank you John!

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I don’t know how many times Mitch has typed that one in on this forum.—-Mark

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