Holes not showing render

Hello everyone!
I have an issue with the render of holes in Rhino 7. When I have a surface and I extrude it, Rhino’s rendering shows the hole as filled, even though it is not. I just changed pc and I never saw this problem before. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

Hi Tiago -

It looks like a meshing issue with one of the faces. Perhaps something that DivideAlongCreases with SplitAtTangents=Yes might fix, but that’s hard to tell from a picture. Please post the 3dm file.

Thank you for your fast reply !
It worked for some elements, but for others no, zs you can see in this picture :

Here it is the rhino file
Holes_issue.3dm (785.7 KB)

Thank you for your help !

Hi Tiago -

I see this as well in Rhino 7. When I open the file in Rhino 8 and run ClearAllMeshes and then put the viewport back in a shaded mode, the render mesh is fine.

Your objects are some 2 761 550 600 units away from the world origin. In Rhino 7, when you move them to the origin and clear the meshes and generate new meshes, the display is fine. Working very far away from the origin should be avoided.

Thank you very much !
Now i know that i can’t work that far away from origin !