I ran into a mesh display issue and I have tried to reinstall the Nvidia driver and several mesh settings still no luck. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Thank you!
I ran into a mesh display issue and I have tried to reinstall the Nvidia driver and several mesh settings still no luck. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Thank you!
Hi @hoganjasonlee1
Impossible to tell from screenshots. Post the offending part(s) - it looks like either a display mesh issue (if it’s a NURBS object) or a normals/welding issue (if it’s a mesh).
Mesh,Render mesh properties, “NURBS meshing parameters” more polygons
slide the bar to the right
Hi @user1213 I did that but it didn’t change much, unfortunately.
@Normand Jakob, these are all rhino native NURBS. If I zoom out it gets a little better. I have tried to play with the mesh settings and also reinstalled my Nvidia drivers. No luck. I think it’s a Rhino 8 setting issue. When I down-save to R7 it’s a little better.
Again: NO way of telling, if you don’t post the actual file! It might be that you have CreaseSplitting
set to no or have merged your surfaces. Try running DivideAlongCreases
with SplitAtTangents=Yes
Hi @Normand here is the file. I have tried CreaseSplitting and DivideAlongCreases. No luck either.
Move your model to world origin. The CPlane in Perspective view isn’t the default one, if you reset it to Top for World you’ll see that your objects are far from world origin.
Moved to world origin
Resolved! Thank you @nathanletwory !!
Hi, @nathanletwory can I ask a follow-up question (trying to learn how you found out the error)? How did you know my perspective view’s Cplane is off? I rechecked and when I entered Plan it was on top view. Just curious. Thank you!
mousing over top view had very big coordinates for your objects, but perspective view had small ones. That is when I often just do _SelAll
followed by a _Move
, pick an end in the model and move to w0
, then reset CPlane with _CPlane _World _Top
in Persective view.
Thank you for the replay, @nathanletwory . I really appreciate it.