Hoberman sphere

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1mPhCjeG-g Does anyone know how I can go about making these sort of joints for making a hoberman sphere.


Good ol’ google search has got your back :wink:

Hoberman taught a course at MIT with Erik Demaine and Daniela Rus a few years ago, and the lecture slides are available here:
The geometric principles for these scissor mechanisms are shown in weeks 2,3 and 5.

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Does anyone know how to Tesselate circles onto a surface like this?

Source: Lectures of 6.S080: Mechanical Invention through Computation Expanding structures

I’m Trying to recreate what Hoberman Made in his Lecture slides but I am not good enough at grasshopper yet.

Not good enough at searching :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: i used quad circle grasshopper and Piker as keywords
I think this link will help you to find the good keywords to search for such things