Help in creating a shell!

Need help with adjusting/creating a shell. Please respond. Thanks!

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Hi @sambrari95
You’ll need to give people a LOT more to go by than just:

What type of shell? For what? Is that your Rhino file (and if yes, please post it instead of just screen grabs)? Is it the organic blop the shell in question? Why is that shell shown not good enough? Are we talking adding thickness to the existing shell ('caused that’s not shelling)? Where are you stuck, what’s the actual problem?
And also post the file along with your question(s), since it’s really hard to help from just a screen grab.
For more details on how to properly ask for help, see this. It was written for Grasshopper, but most - if not all - of it goes for asking Rhino questions as well.
HTH, Jakob

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Hello! I want to find someone who can do this. After that, we will discuss all the details in a private conversation.

Ah, OK :slight_smile: Then I suggest you change the category to “Jobs & Portfolio” for better visibility for those looking for freelance jobs!

Edit: Took the liberty and changed it for you

Hi @sambrari95
Sorry, no. I’m all tied up at work with a rather large hotel bar/restaurant/reception, but there’s usually more than a few freelancers around, so hopefully someone will chime in.
Regards, Jakob

I figured out a little bit about modeling, so I modeled it myself))


Well done! :facepunch:

Hello I could help. Happy holidays and let me know if it is still relevant. Cheers.