is it possible to have a hatch always orient normal to the wall in plan views? Please see the attached image. I figured out to set the hatch orientation manually on a per object basis, but this is not feasible due to the work overhead.
E.g. in Switzerland the insulation hatch is what you can see at the center of this wall and it has to be normal to the walls direction.
I can see how curved walls are problematic and that with the Rhino hatch definitions a flow of the hatch along the curve would become messy. Revit and ArchiCAD solve it the easy way, by just ignoring the normal constraint on curved walls. Please see the following example:
I know, it is far from perfect, but would do it for 95% of the projects (at least in Switzerland ).
An Additional wish: A “set base” function would be very practical when adding hatches that are based on a Scale value for thickness and a base point to make sure they’re in the right location.
how did you achieve the hatch for a curved wall in this example?
In Autocad I use circular array for the hatch line and the wall curves to trim, but that’s very tedious in case the curvature of the wall changes.