Gumball Question

When I scale using the gumboil, I want to extend only one side of the object rather than scaling both sides from the center. Is there a setting to change this?

Gumball-Scaling is like a _scale, where the origin of the Gumball is the center of the scale.

you can relocate gumball to achieve the behaviour your asking for:
relocate the gumball to the point / edge / side … whatever … you dont want to change:

and on the gumball-Menu-Sphere (see link above)
there is also a relocate item in the menu.
and for mach you can drag the gumball pressing cmd as hotkey to relocate it

then scale with the new gumball-origin

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why not use scale1d?

I’ve used scale 1d a lot. Then I discovered how fast the gumball is.

the gumball covers just a different user case i would say, if that is true at all. temptations to misuse it are always there till you switch on your brain that the regular commands can achieve much rather more precise and therefore much faster what you are after. for me personally it was and still is a battle of which tool to use making the gumball an akward provocation rather than an helpful amendment…

what are you using the gumball for mostly?

Using it for manipulating objects. Much faster for some ops than using commands. Particularly useful when manipulating a 2 dimensional object in 3 dimensional space. Takes the 3rd dimension out of play.