Gumball keeps loosing its origin

For some time now, weeks/months or so I’ve had this issue where I constantly have to reset the gumball. Sometimes it just decides to appear in a weird location instead of centered on the selected object. Or with some axis inverted etc.

I’ve tried checking Autoreset but it doesn’t seem to do anything(?)
Checking “Reset Gumball” muötiple times every session however does what I want it to.
But I never had to manually reset the gumball like this or touching any settings related to it before.

Wonder what’s causing it and how I can finally be free of it?

Example of one situation when it behaved like this


Have been experiencing the same.

Gumball appearing at random locations when I have not manually repositioned it. Being forced to reset multiple times. Setting Gumball to “autoreset” does not seem to avoid it appearing off center sporadically on some objects.

To be honest I don’t understand the auto-reset option at all.

Gumball should always be centered on object, always. If user modifies Gumball position this should stick and be the new Gumball position. Command “Reset Gumball” should erase user modifications and reset to default.

Simple as that.

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Oh, yeah that’s exactly the same!
I thought for sure this was a “me problem” because I’ve scanned for other posts on the issue for weeks now and haven’t seen anything related.

Gumball is broken then :confused:

Same here! :neutral_face:

I wonder if the devs are aware of this?
For how long did you guys experience this issue? I’ve been meaning to ask about this for a long time now. but it’s been so long now that I can’t remember when it began

they might, since i have complained about it myself already and i have no seen anybody admitting that this is an issue i am slowly beginning to believe that its being ghosted due to some bigger issues which can not be communicated.

i find this gumball getting in the way pretty severe recently.

not only does it replace itself but it also falls out of whack being rotated somehow arbitrarily. i had the feeling restarting helps but also copying to a new file and copying it back resets it.

Alright! Yes exactly, that happens to me too. From one second to another that thing decides to rotate to a weird angle or switch some axis etc.
Haven’t tried restarting or copying to new document. I might test it, but I’m guessing it’ll probably just come back after a short while anyway