Gumball extrude

The gumball extrude handles look different now:

Fair enough. But could you please change the behavior back to what it was: they should only appear if extruding is actually possible. In this case, extruding does nothing except moving the gumball. (In R7, no extrude dots were visible.)

I like the possibility to extrude open or solid! One thing that might be considered - if a surface is selected (or a sub-object face) that using the open part of the dot would extrude the surface/face edges and leave the result open… In the case of a face, also leave the result unjoined to the rest. Seems like it would be logical, but I’m not sure how many people would use it that way.

Also, just a side note, the open part is a bit hard to see if you have a dark background…

This is on the list as RH-72653 Gumball - hollow for surfaces

thanks, logged as See

When selecting geometry that cannot be extruded (e.g. a closed box) the pill extrusion handles should not be visible.

RH-72653 is fixed in the latest WIP. Please give it a try.