If you have CreaseSplitting set to disabled, using ExtrudeCrv on a kinked curve such as a polyline will produce a single kinked surface. However, extruding with the Gumball extrude handle will split it automatically into a polysurface, despite CreaseSplitting being set to disabled.
V8 and all earlier versions…
Is this what you’re talking about?
I don’t know exactly how CreaseSplitting works, but Gumball Extrude seems to be doing somethign different and not resulting in he expected surface from a ExtrudeCrv
I get the same result from extruding with the gumball with CreaseSplitting Enabled and Disabled:
You don’t show the command line unfortunately, but there is an option in ExtrudeCrv to split at tangents:
GumballExtrude appears to do this automatically. I guess you want it not to do so?
I’ve set SplitAtTangets=No and have been using it like this all the time. Usually an advantage for my workflow if the surface has less internal edges. So that when I remove the and “ends” from the curve, I know I’m going to get a cleaner surface out of it.
My questio it’s that this specific GB behavior can be confusing.
It’s not really an serious issue for me, but can get confusing when teaching. Most new users have a hard time even telling the edges from isocurves apart.
Maybe the gumball could just use the ExtrudeCrv settings that are currently at use?
Yep, that might be an interesting solution. Either that or a setting in Options>Advanced…
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