Guidance in making a shape in Grasshopper

Hello, I’m Satyajit R from Mumbai, India. Since I’m new to the software, I wish to understand more on how to optimise and use it in an efficient manner.

I’ve sketched a 2D shape on my notepad, and I wish to replicate the same using Grasshopper. There are grooves and replication of the shape around 10 times. I’ve also created a draft shape in Grasshopper. I would really appreciate if anyone could guide me on how to complete the shape in Grasshopper.

Warm regards,
Satyajit R

It’ll be a good idea to simply upload the file in here.

On a side note:
Perhaps Boolean(difference) is what you need to cut these grooves. Unless you simply create the sketch with the grooves and then extrude. I really cannot understand what your idea is without at least isometric view.

Dear Ivelin Peychev,

Thanks for your reply.
Ive attached the working file as well as a couple of sketches.

Kindly guide me in the same.
Satyajit (13.5 KB)

You have to learn how to deal with lists and trees. There were huge number of overlapping curves and points.

This is what I did, you have to adjust the size of the ellipse. (11.0 KB)

Just saw there’s a second thread, you should not double post the same topic

Yes Ivelin,

I’m really sorry for that. Will not do that again

Thanks and regards,

Dear Ivelin,
Is there any way to unlock it? It looks grey and non editable.


I disabled your definition and created my proposal above it.

if you wanna enable your wrong definition, select it all right click on the canvas and “Enable”

Please go through the basics of Grasshopper at least before asking questions here. There are plenty of videos on youtube and vemo