Grasshopper smooth curves pattern

Has there been any type of work on something like this before?
i dont have any idea on how i would approach this?

How would i approach creating something like this?


why not buying it ?

If not, you could begin by doing some search (link above is instructive), then some analyse (pattern is contained in a square) , it seems to be done by boolean difference…

For the last it looks a bit like directional reaction diffusion.

thank you but i just want to do this in grasshopper as an exercise!

I gave you clues, so you could begin to do it.

okay thank you i will try boolean difference with intersecting countoured spheres

what do you need it for? YAnd do you need srf, mesh, or just crv’s?

im trying to do an exercise , it doesnt matter it just needs to be 3d weather surface or brep or mesh

Where do you see spheres here ?
It is named leaves for a reason!

So it could be 2 textured ellipsoid/ cylinder
Begin by finding the good shape (2 unioned indeed) then you could texture them.

Had some time to play around got this? (14.4 KB)

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Cool, instead of curves I thought of something like that.
Making a shape that is a sort of ellipsoid with pipes

This shape is mirorred

Then some lines are well placed on the plane, they are used to make planes, like what you did but not random in order to control the output

chevron (20.0 KB)

