I got this script createt in excel an export it by Clipboard to rhino 5.
It shuld draw sqares with smal lines and text, group it an duplicate it a several times.
But ist does not select al the things in the chosen area.
whats wrong?
_selnone _zoom -50,-50 8030,12795
_selnone _rectangle 0,0 1067,2529 _line 534,0 534,10 _line 0,1265 10,1265 _line 534,2529 534,2519 _line 1067,1265 1057,1265 -_text 20,20 Tür _enter _group _selwindow -4,-4 1071,2533 _enter _arraylinear _selwindow 1071,2533 -4,-4 _enter 5 0,0 0,2549
_selnone _rectangle 1087,0 1378,691 _line 1233,0 1233,10 _line 1087,346 1097,346 _line 1233,691 1233,681 _line 1378,346 1368,346 -_text 1107,20 Rücken _enter _group _selwindow 1083,-4 1382,695 _enter _arraylinear _selwindow 1382,695 1083,-4 _enter 3 1087,0 1087,711
_selnone _rectangle 1398,0 1969,271 _line 1684,0 1684,10 _line 1398,136 1408,136 _line 1684,271 1684,261 _line 1969,136 1959,136 -_text 1418,20 Simon _enter _group _selwindow 1394,-4 1973,275 _enter _arraylinear _selwindow 1973,275 1394,-4 _enter 2 1398,0 1398,291