i just noticed that a script i had working before based off selboundary doesn’t work anymore but works fine in 5.
even the default selboundary doesn’t grab text in v6. has something changed? is there something wrong with the script?
Private oldSelMode
If IsEmpty(oldSelMode) Then oldSelMode = "Window"
Call MultiSelBoundary()
Sub MultiSelBoundary()
Dim msg,arrCrvs,arrOpts,strOpt,match,i
msg = "Select closed curves as selection boundaries"
arrCrvs = Rhino.GetObjects(msg, 4,, False)
If Not IsArray(arrCrvs) Then Exit Sub
arrOpts = Array("Window", "Crossing", "InvertWindow", "InvertCrossing")
strOpt = Rhino.GetString("Selection mode?", oldSelMode, arrOpts)
match = False
For i=0 to 3
If strOpt = arrOpts(i) Then match = True : Exit For
If not match Then Exit Sub
oldSelMode = strOpt
Dim arrColl,strCrv,arrSelObjs,strComm,strGroup
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
arrColl = Array()
strComm = "_Selboundary _SelectionMode=" & strOpt & " _SelID "
For each strCrv in arrCrvs
Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects
If Rhino.IsCurveClosed(strCrv) Then
Call Rhino.Command(strComm & strCrv, False)
Call Rhino.SelectObject(strCrv)
arrSelObjs = Rhino.SelectedObjects(True)
If IsArray(arrSelObjs) Then
'add group and group objects
strGroup = Rhino.AddGroup()
Call Rhino.AddObjectsToGroup(arrSelObjs, strGroup)
arrColl = Rhino.JoinArrays(arrColl, arrSelObjs)
End If
End If
If Ubound(arrColl) > -1 Then
'arrColl = Rhino.CullDuplicateStrings(arrColl, False)
Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrColl)
'reporting to command line
Call ReportSelectedObjects(arrColl)
End If
'Call Rhino.UnselectObjects(arrCrvs)
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Sub ReportSelectedObjects(objs)
Dim obj,typ,pts,ptc,crv,srf,ps,msh,lts,ann,blk,dot,hat
For each obj in objs
typ = Rhino.ObjectType(obj)
Select Case typ
Case 1 : pts = pts + 1
Case 2 : ptc = ptc + 1
Case 4 : crv = crv + 1
Case 8 : srf = srf + 1
Case 16 : ps = ps + 1
Case 32 : msh = msh + 1
Case 256 : lts = lts + 1
Case 512 : ann = ann + 1
Case 4096 : blk = blk + 1
Case 8192 : dot = dot + 1
Case 65536 hat = hat + 1
End Select
Dim rep
If pts Then rep = rep & Cstr(pts) & " point"
If pts > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If pts Then rep = rep & ","
If ptc Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(ptc) & " point cloud"
If ptc > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If ptc Then rep = rep & ","
If crv Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(crv) & " curve"
If crv > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If crv Then rep = rep & ","
If srf Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(srf) & " surface"
If srf > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If srf Then rep = rep & ","
If ps Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(ps) & " polysurface"
If ps > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If ps Then rep = rep & ","
If msh Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(msh) & " mesh"
If msh > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If msh Then rep = rep & ","
If lts Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(lts) & " light"
If lts > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If lts Then rep = rep & ","
If ann Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(ann) & " annotation"
If ann > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If ann Then rep = rep & ","
If blk Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(blk) & " block instance"
If blk > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If blk Then rep = rep & ","
If dot Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(dot) & " text dot"
If dot > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If dot Then rep = rep & ","
If hat Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(hat) & " hatch"
If hat > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
If hat Then rep = rep & ","
rep = Left(rep, (len(rep) - 1)) & " added to selection"
Call Rhino.Print(rep)
End Sub