Grid canopy and column

Hi,I’m new to Grasshopper and want to explore optimisation of grid mesh roof preferably in steel with columns which can be removed if needed. I’m using karamba later for the roof.

I’m not sure how to proceed.


Grasshopper is difficult to learn. If you are new, start simple…
If you like to move on with this one, then model some variations in Rhino and use Karamba to analyse what you have manually modelled. Think about what can and should be automated by using GH in a second step. Hope this helps


Thanks TomTom, its just that I’ve to make the same for a project and have practiced with tutorials too, but I’m stuck with how undulations can be created and experimented with.

I’ve made columns with catenary and roof surface according to the requirement but dunno about undulations for the form to look fluid.

This is not the way to do “vault” type of stuff like these. You need to work with a Physics Engine the likes of Kangaroo2.

So get K2, gain some basic experience with the whole concept (requires about a week [min]) and then notify.