
Today I learned there is something called Speckle that can link two of my favorite software together, so I gave it a try.

You can send your Grasshopper geometry from GH canvas to Blender via their cloud server. No need to bake into Rhino or convert your Brep to mesh before sending. The best thing about it is you can sync Blender viewport to your Grasshopper canvas.

When you don’t have enough knowledge to render in Rhino and also think Geometry Nodes is too hard to learn, this gonna be a really exciting discovery.

If you are interested:
a twisted vase Learned from (25.2 KB)


C’mon, if you learnt gh you can learn gn aswell.
Nice render btw

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Ha, Thanks! I will try harder.

This is an amazing bridge @Quan_Li
I am going to try this

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Looks great! Composition is what’s disturbing me though, WHERE IS THE SYMMETRY?! 5 squares on the right and 4 on the left! Unacceptable!


Guilty as charged~

Awesome! Could you link to the tutorial? Thanks!

I think you should get similiar results without the need for the cloud using also dotbimGH:


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Hi, thanks for the replay.
I downloaded the dotbimGH, but I could not find a way to sync Grasshopper Canvas and Blender Viewport in a simple way.
What is the best way to update the Blender viewport from Grasshopper using the dotbimGH?

I don’t have an option right now to update it automatically (only reimport will do the work), but I will have a look if I can implement something more convenient :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing! I’ve been experimenting with this today. Were you able to get a live sync between GH and Blender? I can have GH auto-send the geometry to the cloud as parameters change, but I have to refresh from Blender to see the updates. I also have to manually delete the old geometry in Blender with every refresh. I was hoping to have a live preview, but maybe this isn’t possible at the moment

Much better with Portal.

Bunny from:
Polygonal truchet morph - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum

In blender