In this example you can provide a list of geometry options for each type (pentagons/hexagons/heptagons) and it picks randomly. It would also be possible to adapt this if instead of random selection you wanted it to pick based on some local criteria.
I’d been meaning to make something like this for a while, as having only one input for each polygon type is rather limiting.
One of the things I had in mind for this was applying textures like that used for the PS5 controller. This remeshing based approach works on freeform shapes that would otherwise be tricky to parametrize seamlessly while keeping the texture size similar across the shape:
Thanks Daniel. I recently used the MorphToMesh component and the script in this topic made me think. Using the MorphToMesh component, the fixed size and position of the reference polygons required scaling and orienting of my geometry. Similar to the script inputs above, separate inputs for reference polygons would be really useful in the MorphToMesh component…