I have been browsing to find some start of answer and so far and I kind of get how it was made. Create a struture that fit a specific shape that part I found a script and understood most of it when “decrypting” it the second part however, which is substract a specific Brep to create the INSIDE volume, I was unable. I probably don’t know enough of the Grasshopper components just yet…If you have any clues of which one could do so I would gladly listen to your advices !
Also two more questions (small ones) : When I start the Script there is already a specific shape implemented as Brep in the Grasshopper (not a simple circle or rectangle a shape a bit more complex) which is only in a Brep component without any surface attached to it in Rhino. So it is possible to import a specific shape in Grasshopper without “references” at all ?
I also thought to myself : If at Worst I can’t make that inside shape i can “cheat” and bake it first then use a Boolean Diff but this didnt work at all and I have no idea why. I “piped” the ref cube to make it like a “cage” and once Bake nothing could be used to make a boolean différence. Maybe this was because it was only poly surface and not proper volume then ? Even in Grasshopper directly with the Component Divide Volume it was not working.
Thanks a lot for your futur advices guys. I am getting crazy over this one, sorry for asking such basic question I am sure…
I have a collection of “similar” things (for entirely different purposes). Get a simple take using a grid of “columns” and aTSpline guide blob. The blob MUST have a planar horizontal “base” face while all the rest MUST be non planar … otherwise you’ll get a red C# and/or bananas.
BTW: you don’t need a blob for that type of stuff: just raise the grid “columns” using a random (min, max) value … since nobody could tell if the vertical items “follow” something (unless they are ultra dense).
Ugly news: C# solution, not a single native component on sight (life sucks). So is just an indicative hint on that sort of axis grid.
I guess that you are not in the C# bandwagon (that’s unfortunate since things “like” these are very easy to do).
For instance (shown a box grid … but could be any grid contained in a mesh/brep or a grid with random “extensions”) given N random nodes (where mini boxes are placed for clarity) connect all in x,y,z plus take care for a self standing structure (the art of pointless N1).
Or: start from some random grid point and do that sort of random routing (then pick another point and create [if possible] another route using not taken nodes). This requires an antigravity device (the art of pointless N2).
Sadly not yet because I am already struggling with “basic” Rhino component. C# is creating your custom component by writting the code if I get that well ?
Actually I never had that type of formation (yet) but I count on getting to it.
Just that i have a final project atm and my ignorant self thought it was not “too hard” and a “good exercise” to add some more contemporarian shapes to practice both grasshopper/rhino and propose something a bit more interesting than “a square” (okay I am exagerating ahah)
In a general way you strongly advise to get a C# formation along with using grasshopper ?
Are you self-taught or was that kind of coding part of your stydying background ?
And i don’t know what happened but re-reading your previous message today seemed much clearer today than yesterday somehow.
Thanks a lot you legit saved me btw, by playing around with the script i come close to something I am looking for, I now know that the next step is literally to learn C# ahah
Some sort of MSc in Computer Science plus 20+ years of training in the field. Other than that I would strongly advise to learn C# most notably if you are in the broad AEC market sector. You’ll need 2 to 10 years to achieve some decent level. That said a decent level means not to know what things to do (and how) but know what things not to do.
Bad news: I have closed the practice for the forseable future (meaning that I’m in permanent vacations) so for more wild things (like the freaky zig-zag in 3d space - see above) you should wait (a couble of months/years I guess).
Ugly news: Play with the attached. In order to yield some realistic result requires an int [ , , ] island detection: simple via code, impossible without OR some antigravity thingy.