Shape Map for (80.4 KB)
Pavilion roof.3dm (348.7 KB)
Hello everyone,
I am a beginner using grasshopper and I am trying to generate the panelization for a curved/organic polisurface/brep, but I am having no luck. I want to create rectangular panels of 30cmx60cm that adapt to the geometry of the polisurface and also make sure that they keep a constant grout between them of 1cm.
I found a grasshopper plugin named “Shape Map” that allows to project a grid to any complex polisurface, I am using it along lunchbox to project the panel divisions to the surface and then offseting the curves of those panels 1cm to obtain the adequate grout distance.
However, although the 3d curve grid created by shape map looks really good, I can not use it to split the original brep to obatain the desired individual panels. Everytime I try to split the original polisurface near the areas of more curvature (edges) the splitting process fails.
If there is any other easier method to generate rectangular panels of a constant size (or near constant) for a brep polisurface inducing minimal distorsion, it is absolutely welcomed. I am using this method because shape map avoids distorting the panels near the edges, where the curvature of the shape is more pronounced.
Attached is my rhino 3d model and the grasshopper file.
Thank you very much.