Grasshopper Rendering Options for R6

Are there any options other than VRay that will render good quality outdoor scenes (sky, sun, water) from GH without baking?

VRay is not a tool for new users! so many undisclosed concepts:
The GH components DO NOT have control of the scene assets. While the GH components can render simple scenes directly, for compositing outdoor scenes, the environment must be set up from the asset editor within Rhino, and the GH geometry fed into that.

The Asset Editor is perhaps the most convoluted, non intuitive interface I have seen. The interaction of Sun and Sky is unintelligible. Getting the results in their videos looks like a 2week deep dive. Camera exposure has some effect but is also not intuitive. The online “manual” is of little help and videos are for the previous versions. After days, I have this masterpiece:

Adding a material is all well and good, but what if you want to color that material? The color override eliminates the backgrounds sun/sky and then there is the problem of creating a different instance of that same material in a different color… Complete mystery

Is the reality that Rhino geometry must be rendered in Revit?

Hi -
Most of this post is about V-Ray. You have a different thread going about that in the V-Ray category but I guess you needed to repeat your frustration?

The title and first line of this post are not in line with this line.
Could you clarify your requirements?

A rendering option that is capable of great results without crawling all over the internet looking for the pieces to make it (materials, HDRI, etc)… translucent water, coastline, waves, sky w clouds and weather not just a blue gradient, sun settings. Something w a manual and example files w presets to get going and a decent UI. A photoshop lookalike.

How long has rendering been around? yet you need a college course to figure out how to create a simple background it seems.

I dont know if Revit is any easier, but since this market seems to be driven by architects, I assume the high end rendering is in Revit? which happens to ba able to host Rhino and GH hence the last line )

I’m just trying to figure out where this post would best get relevant answers. I take it you haven’t used Grasshopper in Rhino inside Revit and know that that workflow doesn’t involve baking? I have no idea myself but if that is a question you need an answer to, the best category would be Rhino.Inside Revit.

The part of your clarification that doesn’t contain Revit doesn’t mention a requirement of not having to bake from Grasshopper. Based on that, I’m moving this on to Rendering.

I would say for ArchViz the most studio will pick Vray or Corona. Vray has the most abundant Library outhere for ArchViz, as well as proxies to make your life easier.

why dont u try Lumion? it is very well known realtime rendering software for architects and it is superfast.
Twinmotion is also very good. has Direct integration with Rhino.

in Twinmotion and Lumion, they have Sky and background preset built into the software. so I think that is more suited for you

correct. Everything in this category is a steep time consuimng learning curve.
I posted this is GH because I wondered if there were other tools for GH that have been updated for R6 that render?

in Twinmotion and Lumion, they have Sky and background preset built into the software. so I think that is more suited for you
Thank you I will check them out )

Give Twinmotion in Rhino a try using their synch tool to link to a Rhino model. Or you can directly open a FBX model saved from Rhino as such. Lots of dramatic sun, sky, rain, fog stuff all in the can ready to just dial up. I can get looks that would be a lot of work in a ‘normal’ renderer. Here is a Rhino3D rhino that I was showing on a different thread today using Thea Presto that I opened in TwinMotion and tweaked some light and environment files in just a couple of minutes to demostrate.

FWIW you can use Raytraced (Cycles) to get pretty pictures out of V6 without baking.

I took a long look a that today but stopped short of installing their demo.
(nice image BTW) The deal breaker was no real time link from GH.
I really want to be able to adjust the model in GH and not go through endless delet and rebake cycles!

Like this:

As far as I can tell, the Unreal engine is free but these guys want $600 for the connection to it. What are they smoking.
I am surprised none of the genei that make GH plugins have not already written that connection code. That be a giant leap for GH. Unreal has all the walk through capability with VR built in.

I thought Enscape was fantastic and fast, but again, no link.

Vray has the GH components kinda, but it is so convoluted its seriously annoying me. Its got 95% of what you need to do a scene bu that last 5% is just impossible without basically building everything in Rhino as far as I can tell. This is a mature app with some well intentioned people, but it just falls flat on its face without a college course to get to grips with basic concepts tha tshould be in the Quick start.

The other thing I dont like is that I am married to some .hdr file dug up of the internet which are a compromise at best. It badly needs a sky engine.

Then there is the issue of background elements like a coastline or an island or cliffs or rocks and so on, and then there is water transparency. I cant find any thing on these issues. I really have to read a decade of their forum posts to get to this.

Would very much appreciate a little more detail in that response!
Cycles as in Blenders Cycles/
GH component?
a link would great )

I see. You mean using Rhino rendering. As far as I know, this is not accessible from GH. Wish it was. Im sure it would be good enough. Perhaps I missed it, but I dont think there is a way to assign, materials to a GH object wihtout baking it. Thas the central concept of Gh as far as I understand it.
IMO, the biggest leap forward for Rhino would be the ability to feed GH geometry to the Rhino engine AS THOUGH it was rendered, like the live connection in the vid above.

You need the GhShadeNodes for Cycles rendering inside Grasshopper:

Hi -

For things that are not too complex, you can reference materials that exist either as a rmtl file (e.g. in the Rhino materials library) or in your Rhino document:

Or use the Create Material component to create a simple material.

Well, this still is exactly that. That the viewport runs in Rhino should not matter. You still have a live link between GH and Rhino. No need for baking.

No need for GhShaderNodes either unless you really, absolutely need to create custom shaders.

Ah great. Thx for that. Could you post file. I skipped the GH hyroglyphs class )
I recognize the custom preview and the extrude, but the G T G X component is what?
Is there a list of all the materials that the Custom preview recognizes somewhere?

Note, my first reply has two files, a 3dm and a gh file. Explanation also should give all the info you need.

Sure - but none of those components other than the Custom Preview is relevant in this discussion. The G T G X is just Move to make a copy of the object…
quick materials (12.0 KB)

This was your first reply I believe. I dont see any attached files. Perhaps attach again?

quick materials (12.0 KB)

Thank you for that.
I just get a white screen so I assume I need to setup a scene in Rhino with lighting first? reading manual…

Hmm, not sure what happened.

I was trying to link to this: