Grasshopper plygin not working in latest Rhino 6 version


Since I just updated my Rhino 6 to version “6.4.18124.12321”, the Grasshopper gives me the following messages:

Testing C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\GrasshopperPlugin.rhp (and 4 other assemblies) for compatibility…
Compatibility test failed in 11.51s
Unable to load GrasshopperPlugin.rhp plug-in.

How can I fix this?

(P.s. The Rhino version stated in the installer is 6.4.18130.19341, but when I open the software after installing the update, to former version is stated.

Hey @PowerhouseCompany, I’m unable to reproduce this with either 6.4.18124.12321 or 6.4.18130.19341. Here’s a direct link to the latter; could you try reinstalling it?

Also, can you please detail the steps that lead to this error, to help me investigate?


Reinstalling for the third time did fix it somehow. After the first retry I gave up, but somehow I just was out of luck twice.

Thanks for the quick response.


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