Grasshopper plugins get into the canvas?

Hi, I’m starting to learn Grasshopper now.
I’ve downloaded different type of plugins , but I can’t see them into the canvas . ( Grasshopper Gold, Surface Voronoi)
They are already in my libraries, by the component folder.
What could I do ?

Hey Barbara,

First double-check that you had the plugins copied in the right location. Then, make sure all the files including .dll files are unblocked. You can go to the properties of the files and see if the block checkbox is checked.

And if you mention your Rhino version, and plugins you are going to use there will be more helpful comments from the community.

Hope this helps you to resolve your problem.


Hi Ash, thanks for helping me. I’m using Rhino 6 and 7, Grasshopper 3.2.2021.
I’m a little confused about the .dll files, I can’t find them.

All plugins are unblocked (under the properties) but the files are different: verony .ghuser, brickbox .gha (like bifocals, wich is visible), Grasshopper Gold it’s a folder with many folders in it, the files are .gh

Bye ,