Hi is there anyway to create all the nodes that are required to make a curve by reverse engineering it from a curve geometry?
Hi is there anyway to create all the nodes that are required to make a curve by reverse engineering it from a curve geometry?
Hi @Ace
It’s not clear from this description what you are after. A sketch might help.
By nodes do you mean NURBS control points, or Grasshopper components?
Hey @DanielPiker,
What I mean is if I draw a curve in rhino can I extract all the point controls into nodes in grasshopper?
I want to import a curve from rhino to grasshopper then delete that curve and just work with the settings that are in grasshopper and edit them.
I’m new to grasshopper so it takes a long time to make the curves I want, but if I can just convert rhino curves into grasshopper data then I can understand better how to make these types of curves.
try the ‘control points’ component, under curve/analysis