The below image shows the manual changes I am currently making to my GSA model each time I bake from grasshopper and prior to running my analysis. Can anyone point me in the direction of GG blocks which will allow me to carry out any of these processes within grasshopper prior to baking?
Thanks for posting. Some of your items can be completed and some require some development and improvement on our side.
Can you elaborate on your first item? I do not believe we currently allow the creation of Grid Surfaces. Although this is something we are implementing shortly.
We have made updates recently which will allow you to assign Spring Properties to nodes, so you may need to please update to the latest version through the Rhino Package Manger.
We do not currently allow the setting of non-SI units from within Grasshopper. We can consider doing this and have added it to our roadmap for GSA.
You can specify the Concrete and Steel design codes by dragging this component onto the canvas. Just type the string value relevant to the code you are after.
We have been waiting for GSA to implement a COM command that allows us to call the Create Elements from Members command. I am not aware that this command exists yet, but as soon as it does, we can improve our plug-in to do this. You can get in contact with us at to discuss this further.
You cannot currently set the concrete slab properties, although we will implement this shortly to allow you to complete this through grasshopper.
Hopefully, this helps. I will follow up when some of the other items become available.
Apologies for the delay in coming back to you. Your responses are really useful, so thank you very much!
RE the grid surfaces, I believe these are required for the application of grid loading so will be a welcome addition. I think perhaps the gg grid load blocks create a grid surface by default in order to apply the loads, however the element type defaults to ‘1D’ and the element list to ‘all’, hence my need to change it manually currently, such that it loads the 2D element mesh I’ve created.
Hi Ben,
Can you please try downloading the latest GSA plugin from package manager?(Rhino Package Manager (Yak) - Geometry Gym )
Nathan did recently enable Grid Surfaces, so if you can help test this that would be great.
If you can share a simple representative script if there are aspects of generating loads that don’t work as needed, that always makes it faster for us to review and fix.
We now allow the setting of preferred GSA Units on export. This does not change any of the baking units or procedures, it simply sets the preferred GSA units once export has completed. We have also now allowed design codes to be set on the bake component to make this more user friendly. Let me know any other feedback or issues you may be having.
We are now trialling making public our version tracking information (done in notion) which includes updates for issues, requests & ideas, internal development and roadmap. It is slightly low on content at the moment but will hopefully be of use to you. Very keen to get any feedback. Click on Project then GSA project.