I am new to Rhino. I have an AutoCAD background, having been using it for my drawings for more than 10 years. While using line command in AutoCAD, I go like this.
I type L, press spacebar. The command gets activated.
I give dimensions of the line, say 245, I press spacebar, then I press spacebar. Or instead of pressing spacebar twice, I press ‘enter’ twice. The line gets drawn.
Here in Rhino, for line command.
I type L, press spacebar. The command gets activated.
I give dimensions of the line, say 245, I press spacebar, then I press spacebar. Or instead of pressing spacebar twice, I press ‘enter’ twice. The line disappears, nothing gets drawn.
Therefore, after entering the dimensions, in order to complete the command, I have to press the left mouse button.
Is there a way to change this default behavior of completing the line command via mouse click, to pressing the spacebar button or enter button?
In SketchUp as well, after entering the dimension for line, after pressing enter, the line gets drawn.
I don’t understand this - can you clarify with more detail? How does AutoCAD decide where to start the line and which direction it goes with your procedure?
In Rhino you have to click on-screen or type a coordinate entry to tell it where to start the line. You can enter a coordinate click for the end of the line, or, if you simply type a number for the length, you need to click once on the screen to tell Rhino in which direction the line should go.
I type L, press spacebar. The command gets activated.
I specify first point. I do it through clicking the first point with the mouse, then move my mouse in the direction of the line, which is diagonal (if ortho snap is turned off), or top, bottom, left or right if ortho is on. This is how Autocad knows in which direction I’m going to draw the line.
I give dimensions of the line, say 245, I press spacebar, then I press spacebar. Or instead of pressing spacebar twice, I press ‘enter’ twice. The line gets drawn.
Yes, I think this difference has been remarked upon before from ACAD users coming to Rhino - Rhino does not take the mouse cursor location into account for setting the direction of a line in that way, you need to actually click to set the direction. I do not see anything in YouTrack related to this, so I’ve added this as an enhancement request…(not a bug).
No, I don’t work directly for McNeel, I am a Rhino reseller and user. The youtrack system is McNeel’s bug tracking system (including feature requests and enhancements), it is open to the public for the most part, some items might be private because they contain sensitive client information like attached files which are not allowed to be published.