GEOTIF import Problem in Bison

Hi there,

Im trying to import a Geotif image into Rhino via gh&Bison for quite some time now and I cant quite get the hang of it.

When I add the path input i get an “expected float, got list” error. My input path is a tif image though.
The geotif is from a government server so it should be fine.

in the picture you see a screenshot of the tiff and the gh definition

Did someone run into that issue already?

Hi Florian -
That tends to work with the Tiffs that I throw into it but it’s always possible that Bison doesn’t like that particular flavor. Have you tried it with a different image?

Apart from that, you could try the Heron plug-in, which is still actively being developed.

Hey Wim,

I solved it using xyz data instead of the tiff file, but ill give Heron a try in the next days!
Thanks for your help,

Hi @f.volderauer GHopperGIS | Food4Rhino is also a nice one. It gives you the option to read the float data for each point

Along the lines of what @wim said, it looks like the tif you are trying to import is the hillshaded version of dgm_1m_3918-04_2015.tif, which is meant for visualization and not for creating terrain (all the data gets stripped out to make the tif more visually readable). Heron would not be able to create terrain from a hillshade either. Did you try the file without *_shd_* in the file name?


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Hi all! I also have a problem with Bison.
I’m trying to import a .tif file with a 5m resolution and the obtained DEM is plannar… Can somebody help me please!!


Bison DMT (2.4 KB)

mde_vall_central.tif.xml (6.0 KB)

Hi Patricia -
Nobody here has access to:

C:\Users\pborges\OneDrive - AndorraRecercaInnovacio\Doctorat Patricia\Simulacions\00_Data\terreny\mde_vall_central.tif


Hi Wim,

How can i send the file?


Hi Patricia -

As this is a question about a 3rd party plug-in, please either provide a link to the source (i.e. where you got the file) or a public link to some download service such as Dropbox, OneDrive, …