I have been trying to use the new Bision plug-in to work with GeoTiffs and Meshes.
I downloaded a GeoTiff from OpenTopography and inputted into “Import Mesh DEM” component to generate a mesh from it. But the elevation is clearly exaggerated, I do not understand why… I scaled the mesh in Z just to make it look better, but I would like to have the real elevation as close as possible.
I also have doubts regarding the dimensions of the mesh, as the inputs seem to be in pixels…
I am not sure what values to input so that the mesh has the real extension in kilometers…
Sample: Sampling factor as nth pixel to read
XDimension: X dimension pixel size.
YDimension: Y dimension pixe size.
Hope someone can shed some light on these issues for me.
Unfortunately Tiff isn’t a supported/authorized extension, so I cant upload it, but if you need more info like the metadata of the GeoTiff I can provide it.
Hi - I’ve tested the GeoTiff import of Bison quite a bit and found it to be very reliable.
You need to find out the real world resolution of the image and use that together with your Rhino document units. For example, the datasets I use are sampled every 0.25 meters and I use all samples. That gives Sample set to 1 and X- and Y-Dimensions set to 0.25 in a Rhino file in meters.
Hi wim, thanks for the reply. According to Qgis, this is the metadata of my GeoTiff.
I didn’t quite get how you achieve the ideal values to input in Sample, and X and Y dimensions. Are you able to deduce those from my information or I am missing something?
Thank you for the detailed reply Wim! It is nice to compare workflows with someone else.
The units of my GeoTiff are: Degrees. Because it’s CRS is EPSG:4326 - WGS 84 - Geographic. I might need to project it to a CRS that supports SI units.
I am in doubt about pixel size now though. Mine says: 0.00027… , but the data is Global 30m Ellipsoidal.
Maybe I will just use 0.00027 as that is what Qgis says is the pixel size.
Yes, that corresponds with the 30 m or 1 arc-second.
1 arc-second is 0.0002777778 degrees.
So, a pixel is still 30 meters. Have you tried to use that in Bison and see how that comes out in Rhino?