We need to get something laser engraved. The software that the engraver uses is Corel Draw. The last time there were issues with hatches when he imported our DXF files. So we want to try with PDF now.
Here’s where I run into a problem:
I create a 1000 mm diameter circle: circle.3dm (26.4 KB)
I export a 1000 mm diameter circle to PDF, with 1:1 scale: circle.pdf (2.9 KB)
I import the PDF back into Rhino. Now the circle has a diameter of 988.494 mm. Wrong!
How do we create a file that is easy to import into Corel draw, that preserves dimensions and hatches?
I am thinking about using a more modern version of DXF. In the past, I used 12 Natural.
I just tried this with the current 6.1 version. I get a “circle” that is 1000.002 units according to its bounding box. Unfortunately, it is no longer a circle, it’s a polycurve with 24 segments - I do not know if PDF actually supports circle entities - and it will not simplify to a circle under file tolerances, as it is .02mm out according to CurveDeviation.
I would not rely on PDF for accurate vector exports, DXF is the standard, I might also try IGES if Corel imports it. I would try DXF 2004 Natural…
Just upgraded, so we’re on the same version now. And I installed the trial version of Corel Draw.
IGES is not supported.
I also tried AI, and in Corel draw a lot more control points show up for the circle. I now tried again with DXF, in different variations, and with a test file that contains a hatch:
I guess the question might be “What’s wrong with Corel Draw?” It was supplied when we acquired our first laser more than 10 years ago and it went into the trash can almost immediately…
_ProjectToCPlane should place all hatches flat on the 0 plane… Along with all the rest of the stuff to be exported, which is probably a good thing to do for CorelDraw. --Mitch
The PDF exporter converts all curves to a series of polylines or Beziers. The PDF format does support arcs and circles, but the current exporter does not generate these entity types. I added a wish list item to do this in the future at https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-44145
For whatever reason, Coreal doesn’t play well with a drawing treated with _ProjectToCPlane. The circle, that was drawn directly in the construction plane (!) becomes distorted upon import:
“I import the PDF back into Rhino. Now the circle has a diameter of 988.494 mm. Wrong!”
I believe part of the issue here may be that the circle is located slightly out of the PDF page limits size and its getting scaled to fit with the limits.