Has anyone found a Genetic (or similar) solver that runs like Galapagos but can be started from HumanUI?
Does someone possibly have a Python example I could look at?
Has anyone found a Genetic (or similar) solver that runs like Galapagos but can be started from HumanUI?
Does someone possibly have a Python example I could look at?
Check out Octopus
Thanks @dave_stasiuk is there any documentation or examples of controlling Octopus programmatically that you know of?
In the install package there are a ton of example files that cover most of its functionality, so everything you need to get started should be contained in the download from Food4Rhino.
Hi Dave,
Thanks I had a look at those yesterday.
Seems like most of the examples are broken/out of date in R7, but the explicit components look suitable to build what I need.
Now just need to find a day without interruptions to get my head into the logic.
Bumping this back up to see if there are any new solutions.
I did managed to solve my original problem with the Octopus explicit components.
Now I’m trying to port my code to Rhino for MacOS and Octopus will not load at all on MacOS.
Are there any new Genetic Solvers that can be controlled by from the canvas alone (no custom UI) that can be run from GH on MacOS?
Just for anyone else that runs into this topic, I managed to replace all the Octopus components using common GH components and plugins that are MacOS compatible.
Thanks for letting us know. I have to make step at least into explicit octopus as well. Did you test you current/explicit solution with the Hops?
No, didn’t get to that point. Would be useful as the looping does slow everything down.
Won’t be looking at hops anytime soon as not supported locally on MacOS.