For VRAY Next: VRmesh, Proxies,

What is the proper workflow for creating proxies and exporting VRmeshes?

The VRAY tutorials show you how to take a .3dm and export it to a VRmesh file. But what if you don’t have your mesh geometry in a .3dm file?

If you are just looking to go out and get a mesh from turbosquid, or wherever (please make suggestions), do you bring in .obj, .stl, .dae, .3ds and then just try to save it out as a VRmesh?

When do you apply materials/appearance’s?



Yes - you can either export a VRMesh or VRScene.

If exporting a VRMesh you will need to reapply materials to the new geometry; however, these materials do not display in the viewport but only within a V-Ray render or V-Ray Interactive window. If you use instances of a VRMesh within a scene it’s best to import the object within a new Rhino file and save this so that it can be imported as a block - will reduce the file size of parent file. Only issue is the Proxy Preview settings do not update within a block file.

If you would like to retain materials on a VR object you can export a VRScene. When importing into a parent Rhino model, you need to turn off the default lighting object (or light geometry) that gets saved with the VRScene.

not yet…

You can create a block out of the proxy in the model itself as well. This will have the same effect as linking the block to an external 3dm file, but in this case the viewport geometry will update when you change the preview setting.

We are strongly considering putting a newly created proxy/scene into a block instance, so you get the “reduced file size” effect from the start