I wanted to send data from VA3 inside Rhino inside revit to revit. In food for rhino when I search for the component I could see multiple one. Can you please confirm which one is the latest one and support VA3 ?
Hi -
In that image, there is only one that has an arrow from VisualARQ to Revit, so that would be the middle one.
Yes . You correct @wim . How about other two plugin, from Revit to Va?
Hi @asisintel,
The other two transfer Revit data to VisualARQ, one of them transfers just the styles while the other transfers the styles and the objects. The 3 of them are ready for VisualARQ 2 but I still need to make some changes to support the new features in VisualARQ 3. I’ll let you know when it is ready.
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