Flow along surface half sphere surface

Does anyone know how to get bump shapes on a sphere in a consistent non distorted way with equal spacing. I have tried flow along surface and revolved both the sphere half and the circle surface but this is the best result I have been able to get so far. Is there a better tool? I have tried the paneling tool but this also gave me distorted results and the grid was giving me inconsistent output on the half shpere. I have included an image of the results I have made as well as an image of a toy ball to show the pattern and placement I am looking to make. Thank you.

Hi Tyler - try the FlowAlongSurface on the right with Rigid=Yes. If you do this with History recording on, you can adjust the input spheres locations to fine tune the output locations.


Thank you that gave me much better results.

Just another quick questions my history is not staying on and updating when I use flow along surface is there another setting I need to do besides clicking the record history button before starting the command?

Hi Tyler - if the record history panel is in Bold before the command ends,

history should be recorded - that means you can move one of the input spheres, for instance, and the corresponding flowed sphere should also move.

Any luck?


It is bold when I start the command and then when it finishes running it turns un bold. Then nothing updates when moved.

Hi Tyler - can you post here or send to tech@mcneel.com, with a link back here in your comments, a file with your input objects?


I think this should be what you need. Thank you again for your attention.

Hi Tyler - see the attached - move any of the spaheres on the flat surface - some are colored to make them easier to track.
flow along surface and paneling experiments_PG.3dm (13.3 MB)


Maybe I have a setting wrong or something because my spheres do not move any of the spheres on my target sphere. I have made a short screen record to show how this is happening, notice the record history turns itself off when I try to move the object. The record history was off when I first opened the file then it I turned it on. The history was not working in either state.

Hi Tyler - RecordHistory state does not matter for updating existiing history but the Update children setting in the menu that pops up from the pane, or in the History command, does - that needs to be enabled (default setting)


Great that solved it I did not realize that was there. Also while you are answering flow along surface questions why do the forms flow along the surface upside down sometimes like the image shows? I swear I do the exact same process each time but get varying results.

Hi Tyler -
The command pays attention to the surface normals of the source and target surfaces.
You can check that by running the Dir command on both.

Thank you that makes much more sense now.