Hello Pascal, yes is deliberate, the objects to morph is larger than the surfaces.
If you try to make the flow command in Rhino7 and in Rhino 8 you have different results. the curve in rhino 7 is like a offset of the Trimed surface and that behaviour its ok, in Rhino8 the curve has a strange form in the quadrants of the curve.
Hi Pedro I understnd the problem in the result - you notice it occurs where the curves fall off of the surfaces - my conjecture of the moment is that extending the surfaces may have changed in V8. I am trying to find that out.
Hello Pascal, yes extending surfaces also didn’t work right ex: when we put a length to extend it makes a random(very big) extend, also whatever we put in the command prompt in the preview always shows a line extend preview , and the result is always a Smooth extend surface.
Hi Pedro - in both V7 and V8, the flow outside the boundaries of the base surface becomes something like guesswork. I see that in this case at least, the transition is certainly uglier in V8 - still looking for why - but from what I understand from the developer, you probably don’t want to rely too much on results outside the borders of the base surface, even in 7.
i.e. make your surfaces oversized by a bit before you flow.
Is totally the opposite, its very important the results of the objects outside the boundary its the reason for that command works for me, and in footwear industry.
I cannot do that because is the only way i can control the morph, the surface had to have the same boundary size the plant of the shoe sole.
Here the reason why in this file PASCAL EXAMPLE.3dm (3.9 MB)
The flow surfaces in v8 flow are very bad as you can see, in v7 are very good.
Please give me the old Rhino7 Flow along Surface please, please.
In my previous posts i talk about the extend surface that is not working.
@PedroNeves - we, that is, the developer, has found the change that causes this difference - this change fixed a different messiness at the edges of surfaces in flowing - I do not know yet which evil will be kept or whether it is possible to eliminate both.
Hi Pascal, for me it will make a big diference that the flow works like in Rhino7 in that particular situation, the surfaces in Rhino8 are unusable for me as you can see in the new file that i send , there will be no choice, i will have to go to Rhino7 to make a Flow Along Surface.