Floral Pattern / Mandala in Grasshopper

Hi all! I am looking for help

How would you go about drawing this in grasshopper? then extracting each individual leaf as a single region (or trimmed surface)?

Not sure of the logic or your drawing because it is [5,5,5,15,15] petals. Is there a multiplications by 3 each 3 rings ? Other logic ?
What is the variation or radius ?
You are at the command. What is your logic to do that. If you have it half job is done.

For flowers there was the plugin from Daniel Abalde PhylloMachine | Food4Rhino

I have this little tool in Nautilus plugin that is doing something near. but keeps the number of “petals”


I interpret it like this.
floreal.gh (26.3 KB)

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Thanks alot!! Seems like a very elegant solution to be honest. I’ll upload my script, which is way more complicated, but ultimately gets to a similar stage. This whole thing was part of an assignment to enter a firm as a computational designer.