FilletSrf links here to the best videos on Fillet usage

Wanted links to videos please.
This thread to feature the best videos on using FilletSrf, on especially inner edges that see many surfaces along their length, and how to avoid surfaces vanishing and chain the selections .

Also use of VariableFilletSrf and other commands where the fillet varies in shape and size.

Lets demystify this command.

Please post useful liinks here:-

Thanking you all in advance for this useful reference thread.


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What’s the mystery? lol gimmie link to file you’d like filleted as per the example of said inquiry.

The particular geometric entities you seem to be dealing with is more mysterious to me than the said commands – unless there’s something I missed in the “threads” I’ve seen.

fillet issues.3dm (762.1 KB)

curving diminishing fillet2

green lines should go to edge of purple, bad drawing.


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ok cool, yeah I’ve seen them paint doodles :sweat_smile: Those are awesome btw :sunglasses:

I saw some other images that look like ‘weld beads’?

Yeah I remember you said some of these surfaces came from ‘boolean’ ops:

And boolean results can definitely make weird ‘edge anomalies’ that will cause fillet problems.

Booleans don’t always make the cleanest ‘edge efficiency’ – if ever.

And Rhino doesn’t know what to do with edges adjacent to fillets, soo… It’s best to reduce them edges asap.

So, this hole surface here highlighted in teal, probably should be deleted and the hole should be filled in by untrimming the adjacent entities:

Hi, attached the file before being unioned.
Filleting or cobweb fill exercise.3dm (1.1 MB)

the layers I established of the item are evident in this.

I made a layer of the correct solid thickness then boolean unioned it out. then tried for a union of all, knowing there was somew tidy up to do, as you say trim bits out etc.

and this the other cobweb though the layers would be unioned and mergeAllFaces first ?
this one is layer 4 onto 5.


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Ah I see now, yeah looks like a ‘polysrf sammich’ :slightly_smiling_face:

Probably need to approach it a little differently so it will be more ‘fillet friendly’ in the long run.

So, here’s an example where this one piece would combine cleaner if it were separated first and the other parts were deleted before boolean:

But there’s still more like this that’d need to be addressed.

The objective would be to end up with geometry that doesn’t have a bunch of arbitrary random unnecessary surface-edges that would interfere with Rhino’s inability to automatically move or trim them upon the attempt of filleting some particular inner or outer corner, in the long run.

And it might get unnecessarily complex if you have other fillets split like this:

Hence, here highlighted in teal is more redundant geometry data that should probably be deleted prior to any boolean:

Highlighted here are the parts I would keep for the boolean:

Of course any “holes” on adjacent geometries would have to be cleaned up still before boolean.

gotta go bbl.

Has anyone even a single link to the use of filletSrf and how to chain the filleting process as opposed to my experience of the surfaces vanishing as I try to work my way along an inner edge ?

Is it that no one knows, hence no vids ?

Surely by now there is a video on this somewhere ?

I had hoped the thread would have a growing list of links.

It was to be the FilletSrf reference links.



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well here is a link from Tom on how to filletSrf to a point.
Not a video but it will have to suffice unless someone does a video for such.

maybe use my file I got stuck on.
Fillet 0pnt08 to here OK_.3dm (891.6 KB)


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Magicians don’t always give away their secrets either.

:sunglasses: :beers::shushing_face: :relieved: