The weird thing is, if I attempt to do a “fillet edge” on this part, I can’t select anything. That command is apparently prone to failure (as seen in the topics above), but why doesn’t it work at all in this instance?
that’s an easy one in NX or Alias, but I can’t figure out what is wrong here in Rhino 6. You want G2 or G3 there? Maybe some of the professional Rhino users here can help!
Yes, I know it’s an easy fillet in those applications (or Catia, where the surfaces originate from in this case). I’m hoping it would also be an easy fillet in Rhino, but we’ll see what the professionals have to say.
And if I don’t extend, I have to manually do it with the surface and then trim, and I think that only works in this case because it’s a pretty linear surface:
FilletEdge works on a single edge which is shared by two joined surfaces, in other words an internal edge in a polysurface.
Fillets in Rhino have circular arc sections which are constant curvature. Continuity between a surface and a fillet is G1. In general G2 or G3 continuity is not possible between a surface and a fillet in Rhino.
I was under the impression that “fillet surface” can indeed both be set to G2 and even chordal…
(But ok, that’s outside of this topic, which asks specifically about “multiple surfaces”, which can only be handled by that “fillet edge” tool that’s only circular.)
yes you need to use the extend option and then use splitsrf (split by isocurve v direction) to trim off the excess on the one end that does not need to be extended. The best way is to make all the fillets and then go back and trim that end using split by isocurve snapping (near snap) to the edge of the next fillet.
There are lots that could be done to make filletsrf more user friendly and less tedious to use but McNeel is determined not to improve filletsrf. Filletsrf today is no better than it was 20 years ago., despite the fact that enormous improvements could be made.
And i wouldn’t bother going to the trouble of making it so that you can select an edge for filletedge command. Filletedge command will either fail or produce an inaccurate incorrect result.
Sorry, it was “fillet edge” that has the chordal option (RailType=DistBetweenRails), and I perhaps mistakenly thought it also had a G2 option… but now I can’t see it.
So if I understand things correctly now:
The only tool in Rhino that can fillet multiple edges/surfaces in one go is the “fillet edge” command, which is prone to failure and can’t do G2, but can do chordal.
If you want G2 you must use “blend surface”, but then you can’t get chordal or multiple edges.
“Fillet surface” can’t do multiple edges either… and it can’t do G2 or chordal… so I’m not sure what the point of this one is actually…
I think the filletsrf tool can be made more user friendly by including;
The ability to fillet multiple edges in one operation;
Various styles, rolling ball, chordial (like in the solid/filletedge command;
Options for continuity, G1, G2
History enabled, like the filletedge has!
Thinking about it, the current ‘blendsrf’ tool does most of this, but doesn’t cut back the surfaces to fillet. Imagine if you could use a slider to set the start and end of the blend, and have the option to input a radius, or just be able to do it by eye.
Could pull together the most useful elements of ‘filletedge’, ‘filletsrf’ and ‘blendsrf’… into a single tool…
Oh, and ALL of Rhino’s filleting commands seem to want to create a single surface per adjacent surfaces, regardless of complexity or how many spans that fillet will end up having…
In the above image, the top fillet consists of multiple rather clean surfaces generated by Catia, and the bottom, single surface, very complex, rather ugly iso distribution fillet is generated by Rhino.
Under Solid/Fillet Edge there’s Blend Edge which does G2.
You could do with simplify your input surfaces. Rhino will always struggle with Y corners. Even Cad packages that can handle them will always need some manual clean up. When all else fails you can use the Pipe command and manually trim and blend the Fillets.
Looks like you are doing steps going down the the swim platform of a yacht. I’ve done dozens of those and the are a PITA. You should probably use “merge edge” to keep those fillets going around the outside radius to keep those from breaking into two sections.
You have created surface topology that Rhino’s automatic fillet tools can’t handle it. You could modify it to allow the fillets flow without termination points.