Fillet on complicated geometry

There are a couple problems with your model. The tolerance is too loose for the size of the geometry. A tolerance of .001" would make sense since the edges are at least that accurate already. I would prefer .0001" but then some of the existing edges would be out of tolerance.
Also, the tangent continuity of the surfaces are not very good, but its close enough.

Filletedge fails here because it tries to make fillets whereever the edges are. That is just plain wrong. No other CAD program tries to do this which is why they succeed while Rhino so often fails. The correct fillets don’t line up with the edges.

It looks like .02" radius is about as big as will fit without running into the .01" Rad fillet that’s already there. All the fillets can be made with FilletSrf if you want to do them one at a time.

You can make the fillets with the script found here. The script will make all the fillets and do the trimming and joining. If you want to make just the fillets and do the trimming and joining yourself you can use the script found here