I have a part with a notch in it that I cant get to fillet. theres a very small flat surface on the outer diameter of the part and 2 flats inside the notch that seem to be having issues when i try. I saw a post saying to use a offset command to force a fillet but i cant get it to work without having gaps in the geometry or it failing to scale back down or back up. Not sure what else to try everything seems to just leed to problems so far. its very important this edge is rounded over despite my struggles.
There are a couple problems with your model. The tolerance is too loose for the size of the geometry. A tolerance of .001" would make sense since the edges are at least that accurate already. I would prefer .0001" but then some of the existing edges would be out of tolerance.
Also, the tangent continuity of the surfaces are not very good, but its close enough.
Filletedge fails here because it tries to make fillets whereever the edges are. That is just plain wrong. No other CAD program tries to do this which is why they succeed while Rhino so often fails. The correct fillets don’t line up with the edges.
It looks like .02" radius is about as big as will fit without running into the .01" Rad fillet that’s already there. All the fillets can be made with FilletSrf if you want to do them one at a time. FORUM QUESTIONx.3dm (2.6 MB)
You can make the fillets with the script found here. The script will make all the fillets and do the trimming and joining. If you want to make just the fillets and do the trimming and joining yourself you can use the script found here
Apologies for my lack of understanding. What am I doing wrong here? I remodeled the object with what seems to be cleaner tangent continuity, and adjusted the tolerance. I’m left with a new issue where the fillet is now making the proper shape but leaving the original geometry over it. I also tried the script but I think I messed that up It just made my perspective plane shift lol. If you don’t mind explaining the solution like I’m 5 I would appreciate it alot. notch fillet troubles.3dm (589.9 KB)
The defaults are terrible. The 1 degree angle tolerance is inadequate for FilletEdge to have a hope of working reliably, and absolute of 0.0001" is fine for inches for…well really anything smaller than “civil engineering” scale, unless matching up surfaces starts to get absurdly heavy. Definitely preferred for the size of this.
So far you have done nothing wrong. Your on the right track.
It looks like you have made all the fillets using the FilletSrf command.
That’s a very good start. After making the fillets you need to trim the base surfaces and join them to the fillets.
If you were using Rhino5 all you would need to do is window select the fillets and use them as cutters for the Trim command and then Join everything and you would be done.
Since trimming is not as robust in Rhino after Version 5 what you have to do to make trimming work is select all the fillets and run the Join command and then run the DupBorder command. This will give you two curves which you can use as the cutters for the Trim command. After trimming the base surfaces all you need to do is join everything into a closed polysrf.
The comments I made about tolerance and tangency were in regard to the trimming and joining part. FilletSrf can make the fillets on your original model, but the loose tolerance and poor continuity will make the trimming and joining part a nightmare.
The scripts I posted links to work the same as the FilletSrf command (you set the fillet radius and click on 2 surfaces). The difference is it will make all the fillets in a string of tangent fillets. You don’t have to tell Rhino where each one goes like you do with FilletSrf. Just make one and it will do the rest if the base surfaces are tangent.
You should try making the fillets with Filsrf_JoinV2.py script it will not only make all the fillets but it will do the trimming and joining, also. Its faster than using FilletEdge and far more reliable and accurate for making a closed loop of fillets like you need.
You are scholar and a gentleman ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ<3. Thank so much for the help. Coming back to rhino 8 from self teaching fusion for 2 years after a year of rhino 5 is really really weird.