File path imported images not working Rhino 8!

Rhino 8 does not work nice with imported images used as underlay? This is a very serous iseu because the filing system within Rhino 8 does not work properly. I have dragged & dropped the image in Rhino, that works fine bud then I get prompted see attached screen shot "Please make sure the files are not in use??? The file is only in use within Rhino!!! Trying to quite results in a wonderful beach ball. This means I have to force QUITE!!!
I even have removed the file and replaced it with the same image within a map coinciding with the 3DM file and reloaded the image via the menu. This gave the same reusults

Mac Pro 3,2 GHz 16-Core Intel Xeon W
192 GB 2666 MHz DDR4
macOS Monterey 12.7.1

hi @pgerritsen I could not reproduce this error on my end. I tried drag and drop inserting as picture, wallpaper and all the other options.
pls run _SystemInfo in Rhino and post back the results.

Hoi Gijs,

I can reproduce this over en over again. I even started complete new file imported the same image I used before. This time no popup, bud Quitting results Rhino going on vacation (Beach ball). Had to forge QUITE!

Nice evening,


Attached the system info.

Systeminfo 20-12-2023.txt (4.1 KB)

I doubt this is a problem with Rhino, in this case, as frustrating as it might be. It does appear from the message that it’s likely that macOS’s Mail application still has a handle on this file. I would try the following:

  1. From Mail, save the file (again if you have to) to your Desktop.
  2. Then make a Duplicate of the file (right-click and select Duplicate). That should get around the file-lock that Mail likely has. Then try again.

If that doesn’t work, I’d encourage you to restart your Mac and give it another try.

PS: It shouldn’t be an issue, but the filename contains a space before the extension.

Goed nieuws Gijs & Dan

Problem solved, I opened a older file today with an images as underlay on a layer. Though the image used was not there any more, not on my system. In R7 I got prompted when images were missing on opening a file! R8 does not gave this warning so I presumed all was well. So this was the cause of the error messages & Beach Ball’s. Rhino could not save because it could not find the image it was previously saved with.



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