Save, saveas, insert, import

Hi guys, just logging problems I’ve had switching from Rhino 4 PC to Rhino 5 OSX. So these are wishlist items if they’re not already implemented, or deserving of thanks if there’s an easy solution I just missed because of unfamiliarity.

Item 8a - file importing and saving. It seems like importing is more complicated than it used to be - one of the very satisfying things about 4 was that you could import e.g., a 3DS file directly into your current drawing, but in 5 Import always opens it as a new drawing. Sometimes I’ll be working back and forth with a large number of small items from Rhino to CAD or Illustrator etc., and the current setup takes up a lot more time.

8b - save, revert, duplicate, rename, move to. I think there’s a Lion standard that Rhino is conforming to, but wow, it would be really handy just to have a normal SaveAs option, ha. Just as a supplement to the other options, not to replace them. Honestly I don’t understand version storage well enough to judge, but I can’t deny that right now they also seem to make life more complicated and working off the server slower. Although “The document “Untitled.3dm” is on a volume that does not support permanent version storage.” might just be a re-wording of “Do you wish to save your changes?”, ha.

Totally! HATE the fact that Save As has vanished. Can you still keep Save As?

If you have 10.8 or later, hold down the Option key when clicking on the File menu. This is a standard OS X feature, not a Rhino feature.

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Thanks a lot, found and used. An odd way for Apple to do it but if it works, it works.

Using the Option key to change menu items is a common Apple idiom. In the Finder, click on one of the Finder menu items, then toggle the Option key to see what changes in the menu.

Glad to know the answer, but I’ve been using Macs since 1985 and have never run into this before. All the apps I’ve ever used had save as… prominent in the menu bar.

Thanks for the answer though.