This post is not intended to ask for help with a problem or report a bug in Rhino:
sometimes we are always caught up in the hectic life, chasing the set objectives every day, having little time to look back to see the path undertaken, and notice the differences, the differences in growth, both in terms of technical baggage and experience, but so much the less we realize that Rhino is also growing with us, with new commands, new functions, etc. all this is true, it brings new problems and new bugs, for which we publish 3d to solve them, but we never report new commands and new features which help us solve problems faster and better that were complicated with previous versions or not feasible. I therefore want to congratulate all the developers and managers of McNeel, and to all the staff who assist us daily with unparalleled patience and professionalism. keep it up guys you are a force
Thanks again for everything you do, and Happy Holidays to everyone