I would like to request the ability for the Bake Content component in Rhino 8 GH to have an option to bake the Content to Rhino groups based on their data tree structure or accept the groups node as a viable content connection for the bake component.
Group 01 - 350 curves grouped with new group id generated
Group 02 - 200 curves grouped with new group id generated
Group 03 - 450 curves grouped with new group id generated
Current State (Group is not a valid model geometry.):
Groups likely wont be possible. However, we do have some ideas as to how you can bake content “as a batch” with a specific ID. Anyway, we do have some ideas on how you might bake only certain geometry and have it tagged in a specific way… but we’re still working on this idea and I don’t know exactly when it will be ready for release.
Thanks for the info, sounds good! I don’t need the baked geometry to be grouped often but there are certain use cases where it would be critical.
I think for now as a workaround, I’ll create a python node that references the GUIDs in each branch path of the Bake Content C input and groups them in Rhino after the bake content component has baked them.
I think Elefront 5 added a bake to groups feature on their node and I’m curious how that functions, not sure what methods were used.
Anyways, looking forward to seeing what you all come up with,
I used the Elefront bake to group feature quite often but what I never liked is that the group name was in the format Group + running number. In my case groups would combine geometry from different layers. A script to group objects based on a user attribute could be another option.